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Iris 'Dinner Plateâ„¢ Ice Cream'
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Iris ensata 'Dinner Plate™ Ice Cream'

Showy 8" wide periwinkle-blue flowers with white edges appear in late spring; pleasantly fragrant. Deer and rabbit resistant. Attracts songbirds.

  • · Tall clump-forming plants
  • · Prefers moist soils
  • · Can be grown near waters edge
Uses: bog, good cut flower, specimen
Sun tolerant
Prefers moist soil
Height: 32" tall
Plant 18" - 24" apart
Growability: easy




Iris Ensata ( Japanese Iris )

Tall clump-forming plants that prefer moist soil. Plants produce huge flat crepe paper-like flowers. Grow in acidic boggy soil near the water's edge.

Iris Siberica ( Siberian Iris )

Tall clumping Iris with narrow upright foliage. Plants grow best in moist acidic soil but also tolerates drier soil. Generally pest free. Blooms early summer. Excellent for vertical effect in the landscape.

Iris Germanica ( Tall Bearded Iris )

Parrans stock a very large inventory of flowers, hanging baskets, containers and vegetables. However we cannot guarantee availability of specific plants. Shop early in the season for best selection.