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Fountain Grass Red Bunny Tails Pennisetum messiacum
Fountain Grass Red Bunny Tails Pennisetum messiacum
Graceful flower plumes highlight burgundy-green foliage. Heat tolerant. Deadheading not necessary.
Blooms mid summer - late fall
Uses: containers, grass, landscape
Part sun to sun
Plant in average soil moisture
Height: 18" - 36"
Plant: 18" - 24" apart
Habit: upright


Maintenance Notes:
Red Bunny Tails is a neutral-grass. Where temperatures get colder than zero degrees F, the plants should be treated as annuals. Once the grass turns brown it can either be removed immediately or removed in the spring. It should not be expected to live through the winter and begin growing again in the spring.

In areas where winter temperatures remain above zero degrees it should be considered a perennial and the following information should be useful. Evergreen or neutral grasses are usually plants that look like grasses but aren't actually classified as grasses, they are generally called grass-like plants.

Divide evergreen or neutral grasses and grass-like plants in spring only. Evergreen grasses don't ever go dormant. Dividing plants wounds them to some degree. For evergreen grasses this wounding will really affect their ability to live through the winter.

Parrans stock a very large inventory of flowers, hanging baskets, containers and vegetables. However we cannot guarantee availability of specific plants. Shop early in the season for best selection.