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Big Red - Red bell pepper; 3-4 lobes and thick walls. Maturity 60 - 70 days. California Wonder - Glossy green fruit is blocky and thick-walled. Matures red. Maturity 72 - 75 days. Early Red - Early, blocky fruit with thick flesh. Matures to red. Maturity 60 - 62 days. Fooled You - Jalapeno taste without the burn! High yield. Excellent for mild salsas, pickling or stir fry. Maturity 65 days. Golden California Wonder - Blocky, well-shaped fruits. Gold changing to orange-red. Maturity 70 days. Jumbo - Green bell pepper; 3-4 lobes and thick walls. Matures to red. Maturity 60 - 70 days. Jupiter - Early, heavy and high-yielding. Good for stuffing. Matures red. Maturity 66 days. Keystone Resistant Giant - Large, dark green mostly four-lobed fruits. Maturity 75 - 80 days. Lafayette - Yellow bell pepper; 3-4 lobes and thick walls. Matures in 65 - 80 days. Lilac - 3 - 4 lobed, blocky fruit matures from ivory to lavender to red. Maturity 70 days. Pimento - Heavy-walled, heart-shaped fruit. Green maturing red. Maturity 65 - 75 days. Rainbow Mix - Rainbow of tasty fruit for salads, cooking. Disease resistant. Matures 65 - 70 days. Red Beauty - Sweet, flavorful peppers; 3-4 lobes with thick walls. Maturity 60 - 70 days. Red Knight - Large, blocky, thick-walled fruit. Disease resistant. Matured red. Maturity 77 days. Purple Beauty - Sweet, thick-walled fruit ideal for salads. Green, matures to purple. Maturity 70 days. Rumanian (Romanian) - Yellow to red fruit is blocky and slightly tapered. Maturity 67 - 70 days. Sweet Banana - Long pointed fruits, yellow turning red. Good for frying. Maturity 65 - 70 days Sweet Cherry - Heavy bearer of round, very sweet peppers only 1" around. Good for pickling or fresh use. Maturity 80 days. Plant when soil has warmed. Mulch to retain moisture and reduce weeds. Water well. Valencia - Large bell-type peppers, use green or ripen to orange. Maturity 60 - 72 days. Yankee Bell - Early bearing, high quality. Open pollinated. Matures green 60 days, red in 80.
Uses: eaten raw or cooked Full sun Plant in well drained soil Plant 18" - 24" apart Rows 24" - 36" apart Growability: easy