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Petunia Wave®
Wave Petunia
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Wave® petunias have the most awards for garden performance and are the easiest petunia to grow in the garden or containers. Water as needed to keep soil evenly moist and fertilize weekly, especially in hot weather. Easy Wave® Petunias have a slightly mounded, spreading form. Remove spent blooms to extend flowering. Splendid in hanging baskets and containers. Plant with verbena, marigold, zinnia, geranium or other annuals. Heat tolerant. Prune stems to promote bushiness.

Uses: garden beds, baskets and containers
Prefers well drained consistently moist soil
Height: 5" - 22" tall depending on variety
Plant 10" - 15" apart depending on variety
Growability: easy


Parrans stock a very large inventory of flowers, hanging baskets, containers and vegetables. However we cannot guarantee availability of specific plants. Shop early in the season for best selection.